Among the objectives of the PNRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan) the technological transformation of the National Health Care System and the strengthening of the local and centralized systems are the two objectives that play the most significant role.
The Ministry of Economic Development has released the first installment of 33,5 million euros to build 42 new Technology Transfer Centers. On 9th May 2022, the Italian Minister of Health published an express of interest to implement measures to be funded regarding the “Ecosistema innovativo della Salute” initiative, a PNRR complementary plan.
The initiatives and available funds are several, but in view of the best way to make the best possible use of these opportunities (both financial resource and new technologies and devices), the definition of a concrete action plan, based on programming and organization criteria, is paramount.
The aim of the event is to build consensus between key stakeholders in order to make a step forward as part of the policy definition and to give a meaningful contribution towards developing and introducing of Digital Therapies in Italy.


Discussant: Antonio Addis, Coordinator of the Governance of Research at the Regional Social and Health Agency of Emilia-Romagna



Paola Minghetti, Full Professor of technologies, socioeconomics and medicine regulations at Università degli Studi di Milano


Institutional opening

Paola Boldrini, Vice President of XII Standing Committee (Igiene e sanità)
Andrea Mandelli, Vice President of Chamber of Deputy 
Rossana Boldi, Member of Chamber of Deputy – Vice President Health Care Committee
Elena Carnevali, Member of Chamber of Deputy – XII Committee (Affari Sociali)

Giuseppe Ippolito, General Director of Italian Ministry of Health(*)

Marcello Cattani, President of Farmindustria


Innovation and digital medicine in rare diseases and complex

Franco Locatelli, President of Superior Health Council, Director of Department of Pediatric ematology and oncology, Hospital Bambin Gesù, Vatican, Roma. Full professor of Piediatrics, Sapienza University, Rome


Institutions and digital medicine in Italy

Andrea Silenzi, Public Health medical officer at the General Directorate of Health Prevention of the Italian Ministry of Health


Le agenzie nazionali e digital therapeutics: quale regolamentazione è necessaria?

Marco Marchetti, Dirigente medico “UOS HTA”, Agenas


Artificial Intelligence in medicine

Andrea Cavalli, Deputy Director of “Computational Sciences” department of IIT Genova, Full Professor of Farmaceutical Chemistry, Bologna University


Panel discussion: What are the challenges of Digital medicine?

Modera: Paola Minghetti

Stakeholders e Istituzioni
Mattia Altini, Direttore sanitario AUSL Emilia Romagna
Jacopo Guercini, Dirigente Ingegnere Gestionale presso AOU Pisana Presidente IN.GE.SAN. (attenzione questo lo avevate sbagliato)
Barbara Meini, Dirigente Farmacista Territoriale, Direttore UOC Farmaceutica Territoriale Grosseto
Vincenzo Salvatore, Professore ordinario di Diritto dell’Unione Europea presso l’Università degli studi dell’Insubria, Team Leader divisione Healthcare and Life sciences, Studio Legale Bonelli Erede

La visione dei Pazienti
Gianpaolo Carrafiello, Professore Ordinario di Diagnostica per Immagini, Radioterapia e Neuroradiologia, Università degli Studi di Milano
Annalisa Mandorino, Segretaria Generale Cittadinanzattiva
Annalisa Scopinaro, Presidente UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare

I needs delle Aziende
Fulvia Filippini, Public Affairs Country Head Sanofi
Alice Zilioli, Marketing & Customer Innovation Leader, Roche

Case History
Hélène Moore, General Manager di Ethypharm Digital Therapy e co chair di HTA working group, DTx Alliance


US perspective on digital medicine (intervento in persona)

Jennifer Goldsack, Chief Executive Officer, Digital Medicine Society, Boston U.S.


Digital Theapeutics: opportunità e barriere all’innovazione

Mauro Grigioni, head of innovative technologies in healthcare, ISS. Coordinator of strategic area of biomedical engineering – Department of Technology and Health, ISS, Rome, Italy.
Federico Chinni, Co-Coordinator of Digital&Connected care strategic group, Farmindustria(*)
Lorenzo Terranova, Director of public affairs, Confindustria Dispositivi Medici


Chiusura dei lavori

Paola Minghetti, Full Professor of technologies, socioeconomics and medicine regulations, Università degli Studi di Milano

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